Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's the little things...

I continue to be amazed at how much the little things can make a difference.  I'm not that person who is constantly seeking validation or support.  In fact, particularly since I've been on my own again, I've definitely grown into that stubborn girl who doesn't think she needs any help.  "No, I've never done that.  No, I have no idea what I'm doing.  No, I DON'T need any help.  I can do it myself!"  Ummm...yeah.  And I do figure it out eventually, sometimes a little more wear and tear to my ego later.  But still, it makes me feel good to know that I can handle it, even if it may or may not be with the level of expertise or grace intended. 

It never hurts, though, to know someone is in your corner.  Not someone to step in and fix it for you.  Not even necessarily someone to tell you how great you are (although that's nice sometimes too).  But someone who will recognize where you are right now, and remind you that regardless of whatever is going on, you WILL get where you're going.  And therein, the lesson that men all over the world would do well to learn early.  I don't know for sure if men are fundamentally different in this, but as a general rule, the women I know don't want a guy to troubleshoot their problems, come up with ideas or solutions, or really even have an opinion on the matter, unless we specifically ask for it.  We just want them to listen, let us know that they understand, and that they'll be there when we're feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, and possibly give us a small kick in the ass when we need to consider getting over it and moving along.  (VERY small...and as a reminder, this move is potentially risky.  lol)

Now, I don't know many guys who have mastered this skill.  Perhaps it comes with age or something.  But, I do know there are guys out there who resist their instinctual urge to just try and fix the problem for you and move on.  One of my best friends is married to one of these guys.  Somehow this guy manages to be some magical combination of the traditional "guy's guy" and the guy who not only volunteers to dress up as Santa, but also writes letters back to the kids AS Santa.  I seriously could NOT make this stuff up.  At any rate, where I'm going with this is my creative inspiration for the day.  My friend has been having a particularly rough go of it at work lately...she's way overstressed and unhappy and overall just has a lot on her plate.  So, her husband, completely out of the blue, drops a little card in her car before she leaves for work.  Nothing huge or earth shattering.  Just a cute card to say that it's gonna get better, and he'll be there every step of the way.  Needless to say, waterworks ensued, but could one tiny effort be any more perfect?  We don't need to be knocked over the head with support.  Just a little reminder that someone is there if we need them.  Perfect. 

So here are some little reminder cards that things are looking up.  I just used solid cardstock, Imaginisce sea creature stamps, Faber-Castell watercolor pencils, and a couple of scraps of self adhesive Basic Grey paper ribbon.

Don't be Crabby...

Just Keep Swimming...


I Know this Blows...


And that's all for this evening.  Some potential I may not be crafting for a couple days after this...going to adopt a new friend for Lucy :)  I'll post pictures! 

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