Friday, January 28, 2011

Required Viewing...

So I love movies...who doesn't, right?  I take my favorites to heart.  My old stand-bys...the ones I could watch a thousand times...the ones I could pretty much repeat word for word.  And I get offended when people don't like my favorite movies.  Which, I suppose is odd.  I actually don't often watch my favorites with other people who haven't seen them, so I don't have to feel awkward or annoyed if they aren't a fan.  Probably the reason for this is many of my favorite movies (I say "many" instead of "all", because there are some ridiculous ones that I continue to love just because they exist), either led to some sort of personal revelation for me or at least made me think about myself or the world a little differently.  So here's some of my favorites...and if you don't like them, please don't tell me, cuz it would sadden  :)

1)  Fight Club (1999)
2)  Stigmata (1999)
3)  Office Space (1999)
4)  Moulin Rouge (2001)
5)  Boondock Saints (1999)
6)  Just Married (2003)
7)  Cheaper by the Dozen  (2003)
8)  City Slickers (1991)
9)  Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971)
10)  The Hangover (2009)
11)  The Sandlot (1993)
12)  Boiler Room (2000)
13)  Amelie (2001)
14)  Secretary (2002)
15)  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
16)  When Harry Met Sally (1989)
17)  Gone in 60 Seconds (2000)
18)  Stranger than Fiction (2006)
19)  Talladega Nights (2006)
20)  White Squall (1996)
21)  Duets (2000)
22)  The Broken Hearts Club (2000)
23)  Wall-E (2008)
24)  Chicago (2002)
25)  Romeo & Juliet (1968)
26)  Anchorman (2004)
27)  Meet the Fockers (2004)
28)  Armageddon (1998)
29)  Three Kings (1999)
30)  The Island (2005)
31)  Mallrats (1995)
32)  Empire Records (1995)
33)  Memento (2000)
34)  The Matrix (1999)
35)  Pretty Woman (1990)
36)  The Punisher (2004)
37)  The Neverending Story (1984)
38)  Wedding Crashers (2005)
39)  The Invention of Lying (2009)
40)  Lilo & Stitch (2002)
41)  The Incredibles (2004)
42)  Bolt (2008)
43)  Snatch (2000)
44)  The Transporter (2002)
45)  Morning Glory (2010)
46)  The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
47)  Paint Your Wagon (1969)  <----- This is a Clint Eastwood MUSICAL, people
48)  Elf (2003)
49)  Daddy Daycare (2003)
50)  Keeping the Faith (2000)

And yeah...there's like a million more...but that should be more than sufficient :)  And if you didn't bother reading the list, and just skimmed the first few and skipped to the biggie...this is half posted in hopes that other people might like these, and half for my records, since I'm in the midst of updating my collection  :)  That's all for tonight...more crafting after inventory next week!

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