Wednesday, April 18, 2012

May Menu Plan...

Well, I just finished pulling together my meal plan for May, and ordering my groceries from Peapod to be delivered on Monday. great is grocery shopping in your pajamas on your couch at 2am??  I swear the novelty will never wear off.  Anyway, below is the plan for always, items with an asterisk I've never made before, and calories counts are estimated based on info pulled from :)

- Ham & Potatoes (330 calories) + Crescent Roll (100 calories) – 430 calories total - 4 servings
- Pasta Alfredo (405 calories) + Crescent Roll (100 calories) - 505 calories total - 6 servings
- Chicken Pillow (335 calories)* + Potatoes ala Boulangere (117 calories) – 452 calories total - 8 servings
- Broccoli, Cheese & Mushroom Flipsides (345 calories)* – Hashbrown Cups (101 calories) – 446 calories total – 10 servings
- Sausage Rolls (334 calories)* + Cheesy Cauliflower Pancakes (123 calories)* – 457 calories total – 6 servings
- Baked Honey Oatmeal with Raspberries and Pistachios – 223 calories total – 6 servings

Cooking should be occurring next Thursday or Friday, so recipes and pics coming then :)  Good night all!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait for pics! and you go girl...i wish i could be this on top of things! lol...does peapod deliver mcdonalds happy meals?
